Violins of Hope East Bay 2023
Strings of the Holocaust

Violins of Hope is a collection of restored violins that were played by Jewish musicians during the Holocaust. These instruments have survived concentration camps, ghettos, pogroms, and many long journeys to tell remarkable stories of injustice, suffering, resilience and survival.
Photo Gallery
Annual Report

Concerts 2023
February 5–7, 2023
Bankhead Theatre, Livermore
Violins of Hope is a collection of restored violins that were played by Jewish musicians during the Holocaust. These instruments have survived concentration camps, ghettos, pogroms, and many long journeys to tell remarkable stories of injustice, suffering, resilience, and survival.
And now the music of violins comes alive again in Livermore with concerts performed by Livermore-Amador Symphony (LAS), conducted by Lara Webber with special performances by violinist Lindsay Deutsch and cellist Peter Bedrossian. Avshi Weinstein, co-founder of Violins of Hope, will provide stories for several of the instruments.
Join the journey through time and music with Violins of Hope.

Exhibit 2023
January 30–February 12, 2023
Bankhead Theatre, Livermore
The exhibit will include information about the Violins of Hope project, its founders and a collection of the restored instruments along with stories of each violin. It will also include information about how music provided hope for Jewish musicians and occupants of ghettos and concentration camps during the Holocaust. It will also include information about orchestras that were formed in many ghettos and concentration camps consisting of Jewish musicians. Several TV monitors will display videos about the Violins of Hope and about personal experiences by Jewish musicians in camps and ghettos.
An introductory exhibit including paintings by a local artist based on actual photographs from the Holocaust as well as introductory videos from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. and video clips of eyewitness testimonies from Holocaust survivors from the USC Shoah Foundation in LA will also be displayed. Winning art and writing contest entries by East Bay middle and high school students will also be on display.

Schools 2023
January 31 – February 17, 2023
Free educational concerts coming to your schools!
Violins of Hope is a collection of restored violins that were played by Jewish musicians during the Holocaust. These instruments have survived concentration camps, ghettos, pogroms, and many long journeys to tell remarkable stories of injustice, suffering, resilience, and survival.
And now the music of violins comes alive again at free educational concerts during the daytime at middle schools and high schools in East Bay's Tri-Valley region. Assembly-type concerts performed at the schools by Jewish Klezmer group Veretski Pass with special performances by violinist Cookie Segelstein and on accordian Joshua Horowitz. Avshi Weinstein, co-founder of Violins of Hope, will also provide stories for several of the instruments. A free teacher's guide is available for teachers to supplement their student's Holocaust education and the Violins' visit to their schools. Special thanks to University of North Carolina Charlotte for sharing their comprehensive teacher's guide with the East Bay.